Our seamless identification and registration systems enable us to trace back our products through all production, processing and sales stages. Immediately after slaughter, each animal receives a distinct EAN-code which is put on a special label to enable the qualified traceability of each animal and all of its parts.
The label is attached on each part of the animal from the very first production step. That secures the traceability from the slaughtering over the primal and subprimal cuts to the final consumer.
By using these systems, we can ensure that the link between the labelled meat and the animal or the group of animals, which the meat comes from, is maintained until the product reaches the end consumer.
For beef fine cuts, we can ensure traceability down to the level of the individual animal and the respective farmer and hence, exceed the regulatory requirements.
Our system with its state-of-the-art technology makes it possible to produce 20 tons per hour.
At the farmer or at the fattening farm, each piglet is given an ear tag that indicates the farm where it was born. Unlike with beef, this ear tag is not used for tracing purposes. At the latest 1 month before slaughter, it is given a tattoo stamp with the identification number of the fatting farm - the so-called tattoo stamp.
In the waiting pen of the slaughterhouse, the group of animals from the respective fattening farm stays together. After slaughter, the ear tag is removed in the course of the further processing.
During further cutting, the pig is given a sequential slaughter number indicating the fattening farm. This is stamped on both half-carcases. The pig is then classified (e.g. organic, AMA, "absolut steirisch" etc.) and the corresponding stamps are stamped on the half-carcases
All pigs which are processed within one day are assigned to a single batch. Traceability to the group of fattening farms, where the animal comes from, is thus ensured.
The product which is purchased e.g. in food retail can be clearly assigned to a production batch via the best-before-date. This traceability is given throughout all processing stages and thus also for our convenience products. For example, our "Viennese Schnitzel from pork loin" can also be clearly assigned to a production batch during slaughter.